My investigation about the clones conspiracy

January 26, 2018


This clone’s name is Ekaterina Pereverzeva.

I was able to discover that after WWII, Russia and the allies were able to gain the nazi know how about DNA and the technology of how to create human clones in vitro.

These clones are divided in two categories, copies of real humans and genetically modified organisms (GMO). Half of the clones are used like guinea pigs for experiments and organ harvesting, half of the clones are used for dangerous tasks, including prostitution.

I tried to contact Amnesty International, asking them to do something to stop the experiments on human clones, but they politely told me that “they don’t have the expertise necessary to deal with clones”.

Help me to spread the truth about what is going on, because we are all in danger. These clones are among us, they can be your neighbor, your colleague, or even your soulmate partner.

Here are all the information I was able to gather:

Clone Truth:

Clone Truth Archive:

Here are publicly available information of cloning successes:

Here are the information from Biblioteca Pleyades:

Here is a video showing a lot of fetuses being disposed:

Here is interview by female clone Ekaterina Pereverzeva:

Scientists staff responsible for cloning in Russia:

P. S. This is going on in all other developed countries.

Human society is corrupt because of big cities

January 31, 2020

The problem of human society are degenerates. Normal people create healthy society, degenerates corrupt and sometimes destroy society by cheating, stealing and killing, because they have perverted brains. In the beginning people were living in small communities, ruled by naturally elected council of elders, since everybody knew each other. Degenerates always existed, but when the communities were small, it was easy to spot degenerates and chase away or exterminate them. Degenerates can only thrive in big cities, where citizens don’t know each other, allowing them to act unnoticed and even gain position of control.

Paradise can be described as the first small communities right after people discovered fire and learned how to make shelter and weapons, managing to keep degenerates under control. Hell can be described as when humans become too many and managed to build the first big cities, allowing degenerates to become their rulers. Since degenerates are aware of being degenerates, they did everything they could in order to gain power and wealth in order to control the unaware society forever.

Modern psychiatry combined with modern technology can control degenerates by detecting and containing them, and securing the society by preventing from new degenerates, but since the degenerates control society, they are making sure to boycott psychiatry and technology needed to stop them.

Porn is banned in normal countries

December 9, 2019

In normal countries porn is banned. Porn is prostitution. Most of prostitutes are ex abused children. Also prostitution and promiscuous sex in general are the source of STD epidemics. In Miller Vs California (1973), the Supreme Court ruled that obscenity is not protected by the First Amendment and that violations of federal obscenity laws are criminal offenses.

European Vs American liberalism

December 9, 2019

Words sometimes change their meaning. Sometimes because those who adopt them are not careful students of the literature or avid users of dictionaries. Sometimes those who switch them are well educated and aware of their deliberate change in order to achieve control of illiterate minds. Thus it happened that, particularly in America, the word “liberalism” has been gradually appropriated by champions of collectivism who are the opposite of liberalism in its classical sense.

European liberals may go on calling themselves by this designation, which is rightfully theirs, but they do so at the risk of being confused with American liberals. To avoid such confusion, they may resort either to explanatory footnotes every time they introduce themselves, or to adopting a new appellation for themselves, such as “libertarians”.

The most essential difference is that the European liberal wants the individual to be free from coercive interferences, especially from interventions by the state, whereas the American liberal wants the state to intervene in all sorts of situations and restrict the individual’s freedom of thought, speech and action in a variety of ways for a variety of objectives.

The TV show Friends conspiracy

December 5, 2019

I don’t believe in people being complete idiots. Any TV series has many people behind it, therefore it is highly likely that the series Friends was conceived deliberately the way it is. All Friends main characters are singles, some of them even divorced. They practice promiscuous sex and are constantly unable to find a decent partner. Their problems in finding a partner are never explained, on the contrary, their being constantly singles and practicing promiscuous sex is depicted as something normal, as natural and healthy. At the end, some of these friends become so desperate to decide marrying between friends. This series instead of teaching people how to find a partner, cheered single losers of any kind to remain singles and don’t worry about it, forgetting that the coupling age is very short.

Detect – Secure – Contain – Protect

November 11, 2019

Degenerates must be exterminated and they know this. First they were known as freaks. Then they were known as degenerates. Later they were known as pederasts, because sexual perversions are the most difficult perversions to hide, since other people are involved. At the end these abnormal people invented Judeo-Satanism and the god Moloch to worship, to feel legitimized to exist. The problem with degenerates is that some don’t have congenital physiological defects apart the brain. Because of this, when people meet degenerates inside normal human bodies, they believe them to be just extravagant. This is why ancient Romans and Greeks were able only to detect and exterminate degenerates with visible body defects, but were unable to detect those degenerates inside normal bodies who were responsible for creating perversions like Pedophilia, Eunuchs, Gladiators, Crucifixions, and at the end were able to destroy Rome and Greece empires.

Also, normal people cannot think like degenerates, but the degenerates can think like normal people, therefore degenerates can be very hard to detect. In order to be free to exercise their perversions, the degenerates need to be in power of society, therefore the degenerates conceived a lot of occult and esoteric secret societies and proceed to create the world wide control over normal human society. After 2000 years of Judeo-Satanist mayhem, it is obvious that degenerates must be detected, contained and exterminated. There is no way possible to coexist with them, since degenerates feel pleasure from perversion, violence, destruction and murder.


Degenerate brain scans are different from normal:

When the Judeo-Satanists make the rules

September 15, 2018

By Rafzen Gawronski

Most people don’t understand the scale and success of the «Conspiracy».

The «Conspiracy» is the Establishment now. The «New World Order» is not something in the future. The Illuminati were refreshed in 1776 and immediately gained the upper hand in Europe and America. Using Freemasonry as vehicle, they grew in power throughout the 19th century and have been in charge since 1913.

Freedom and democracy are facades used to control the masses. They are window dressing to hide our true Masters and their agenda.

Our Masters began as a Jewish heresy called «Sabbatean-Frankists» who impersonated every religion and nationality to gain world power. They are the Illuminati. Their bankers finagled ownership of the British money supply in 1694 and are expanding this credit monopoly into a monopoly over human life, i.e. Communism.

They are supplanting God and redefining reality according to their self-interest and perversity. When Satanists make the rules, they invert right and wrong, truth and falsehood, good and evil. For example, they overrule nature and say homosexuality is normal and healthy! They believe «saying» makes it so,

Wars are designed to kill or degrade the goyim. The Illuminati shaped modern history and culture with this end in mind.They control the corporations, politicians, military, Intelligence agencies, education and the all-important mass media. Our «leaders» are controlled through blackmail.

obamawesternwall.jpgSociety is a willing accomplice in its gradual self-destruction. In general, the goyim unconsciously know what  to do to get a piece of the scam.  Organized Jewry has been agents of the banker «internationalist» agenda for a long time. With their help, Western nations have been flooded by immigrants. Whites are becoming a minority. The Illuminati goal is to re-engineer and induct humanity into their satanic cult (Cabalism) by destroying «every collective [human] identity» including race, religion, nation and family.

Freemasonry is Cabalism for gentiles, It’s a way for the goyim to get a share of the banker scam. It behaves like Judaism does, networking and discriminating against outsiders. Dr. Isaac Wise wrote: «Freemasonry is a Jewish Institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from  beginning to end.»

Freemasonry, like Cabalism, is Satanism. So we are not in doubt, the Masonic archives were seized in Budapest in an anti-Jewish reaction in 1919. Christians read that at the B’nai Brith Conference in 1897, the Grand Master said:

«We must spread the spirit of revolt  among the workers. It is they whom we shall send to the barricades, seeing that their desires are never satisfied, for we have need of their discontent to ruin Christian civilization and hasten anarchy. It is necessary that the moment arrive when the Christians shall come themselves and implore the Jews to take control.» (Cecile Tormay, «An Outlaw’s Diary»)

Clearly, Organized Jewry and their Masonic goy lackeys are Illuminati tools. Banning criticism of Jews and Israel is another way of saying you cannot name or criticize your Masters. Ordinary Jews are kept in the dark, better to be duped and serve as camouflage.

ottawa.jpg (City logo. 666. If this were not intentional, someone would have noticed and changed it.)

None of this is new to many of you. We live in a cognitive dissonance. The media is constantly telling us we’re free while at the same time censoring the truth and diverting us with nonsense. We have to keep repeating the truth like a mantra. Masonic monuments dot our cities. The Ottawa city logo is 666. It is everywhere– on all street signs, city vehicles and buses!

woody-allen-beach.jpgIlluminati symbols are on major corporations. Movies and TV purvey obscenity. Society has been thoroughly sexualized. Schools teach children to experiment with homosexuality. Governments launch terror attacks on their own citizens with the complicity of the mass media. Increasingly, society risks going insane.

In its Gadarene drive to decadence, society has alienated its sane minority. What does this tiny minority do? Is Civil Disobedience the answer?

The Illuminati are «banking» on the slaves loving their slavery. We have no choice but to be bystanders in a satanic freak show until conditions get so bad that even the slaves revolt. Is the novel «1984» prophetic?

In the meantime, we can set a positive example in our personal lives, and help others to understand that our political and social institutions have lost moral legitimacy.  That is why the Illuminati need to create a police state, to rule by force rather than by right.

Source: When Judeo-Satanists make the rules

WWI & WWII only purpose was death

August 10, 2018

If you’re aware of the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan of the extermination of the white european race, it’s not difficult to understand how and why the WWI & WWII happened. The Kalergy plan is simple, first they made happen the two wars with the jewish money to lower the european population as much as possible, and right after they started the immigration policy of niggers and sand niggers in Europe, while brainwashing europeans with Hollywood’s interracial movies to make diversity look cool. Now we are witnessing the final stage, when white families are getting destroyed by propaganda of promiscuous sex and easy divorce. What next?

Defend yourself from Judeo-Satanists

June 22, 2018

There is just one enemy of normal people, the Judeo-Satanists. Their modus operandi is explained in the biblical 7 deadly sins. The 7 sins are called deadly, because these sins usually end up with the death of the sinner, or the victims of the sinner. Be aware that satanist masters are inhuman degenerates.

The first rule is to never trust nobody who is abnormal. Judeo-Satanists usually offer money, sex and drugs, or power and fame to their victims, trying to enslave the weak minded. If you will trust and accept, as a sinner you will become their slave, driven crazy and be killed in the end for the glory of Satan.

The second rule is to never trust any unknown source and always fact-check any information they propose to you. Always be aware of the existence of fake news, fake science, or any other kind of fake informations spread by satanists to confuse you. Always rely only on your own instincts, rationality and erudition.

Remember that the only way to stay safe is to never trust unconditionally no source, even if the source seems legitimate and gives the impression to be trustworthy, because has some truth in surface. Better to be safe than sorry and dead. Also better to live as a paranoid, rather than to die as a delusional.

Definition of perfect life and therefore happiness

May 15, 2018

Happiness is: beloved parents, beloved partner, beloved friends, beloved profession for which they pay enough money to live comfortably. If you have all of this, you are happy because your life is perfect. If you have some of this, you are still happy, because it could be worse. If you have none of this, blame your demented parents and debased society, because nobody can be completely unhappy only because of themselves.

The Man Who Would Be King by Kipling

May 13, 2018

Kipling’s book and relative movie The Man Who Would Be King is an allegory of how Jews succeeded to gain world wide supremacy, while being a small group of genetically inferior renegades without their own land. Kipling explains how two smart men managed to become rulers of a whole tribe of underdeveloped aborigines.

A bunch of smart Jews understood that if any race enslaves their own people, this race is being ruled by idiots. Immediately the Jews made a religious ideology that forbids Jews to enslave other Jews, and allows Jews to enslave any other race. The Jews started looking for countries where there were slaves of the same ruler’s race.

Sometimes the rulers got afraid of the Jews and expelled them, but these rulers were still too stupid and kept enslaving their own people, instead of teaching them about the Jewish conspiracy, so Jews were always able to return and continue their struggle. Meanwhile the Jews were buying local slaves and making them breed with Jews, creating the new Ashkenazi race of half Jews.

Then the Jews put the Ashkenazi in power positions as intellectuals and banksters, fooling the rulers of other countries forever. The Ashkenazi become powerful in every country, and now the Jews control any developed country. This is the end my friend.